From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 15034
Date: 2002-09-03
>[Moeller] you are partialy correct in what you say .ButWell, thank you for admitting that this "most important" verb indeed has a Latin
>italian has "qu" and the "v" between wovels did not dies. It
>is still today there. Adn Miguel gives examples od "v" and "b"
>sincoping in romanian laike in caballus>cal but he "forget" to
>give the mst important verb "habere" which is in romanian " a
> There is no sincope anymore. The rules for rumanian >Au contraire. Artificial rules have no exceptions. The normal evolution of
>latin have so much exceptions that you can say, is a rule in
>romanian to have for every rule a lot of exceptions. And this
>means?This means the rules are artificialy, after a
>selbstgedachte model, and not the normal evolution of the