Re: just verifying a point

From: m_iacomi
Message: 15025
Date: 2002-09-03

George S t a n a <gs001ns@...> wrote:

>>>un pic cf. Ital. un poco (pocco?)
>> I would think picco(lo) "small" and similar word in the rest of
>> Romance (e.g. Spa. las cuatro y pico "a bit past four o'clock").
> Oh, yes, of course! (OTOH, most of the "small" connotations
> are rendered by Rum. "mic" + diminutival "micutz", "mititel".
> "Un pic" & diminutival "picutz/piculetz" = rather "a little (bit).")

As Catalan "un xic" (related to Latin ciccum "insignificant thing"
2-nd sense). In Catalan also "una mica", from vernacular *micca <
classical mica "small particle", cf. French miette. In Italian, the
word "piccolo" is considered of onomatopoeic origin.

Marius Iacomi

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