Re: [tied] Ovid

From: alexmoeller@...
Message: 14893
Date: 2002-09-01

----- Original Message -----
From: "george knysh" <gknysh@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Ovid

> Alex wrote:
> what chances are there that "colchi" became
> "volchi" and later "Vlochi" in the slavic languages?
> ****GK: What's wrong with the traditional explanation
> that Slavic "Vlakhi" "Volokhi" et sim. are borrowed
> terms (here probably from the Goths)? And ultimately
> related to words such as Walloon and Welsh, all of
> which ultimately go back to a Germanic meaning
> ("foreigner")? In the East this applied to the
> Roman-speaking populations in areas controlled by
> Germanic tribes. The Slavs subsequently extended the
> meaning to include Italy and the Italians. This sounds
> quite plausible to me.*****

[Moeller] The name itself. To answer well this question we
need to know when does appears first in history such names as
wallon and welsh. Are they records and if so from which time?
Do not forget, the name "colchi" was a generic name for the
population from north and east of the Black Sea. And this does
not exclude several hypothesis. One of them should be that the
celts who were until Galatia and east shore of the Black Sea
could be identified by germanic tribes as the "old volcae"
under the name of colchi. I have no basis on what I say now. I
repeat myself, i never read carefully there where someone
wrotte about colchis.
As a matter of fact I was looking on the net for Laz language
and I found several similarities:
da= sister, romanian has a "dada"= sister
ciogar=dog, romanian has "ogar"= dog
seri=evening, romanina has too "seri"=evenings.
there are just simple curiosities , but enough to think about.
Of course such words from Laz-language for child=laz. "bere"
doesnt match with the romanian and albanian words "copil".
There are some research to do.