From: tgpedersen
Message: 14733
Date: 2002-08-29
>I wouldn't listen to rumours. Since Tacitus is not sure whether
> [Moeller]but I have a problem with Bastarnae. Jordanis doesnt
> say a word about them and there are rumours the Bastarnae
> werent at all germans but more likely they should have been
> celts.I even ask myself why Jordanes did not say a word about
> them. Normaly he should do, if they were germanic at all. He
> tells us about a lot of folks , even abbout carpians but
> nothing about bastarnae. (just a remarque here: if the goths
> should have been indeed the getae how once on this list was
> discuted, Jordanes shoud have had mentionated more about carps
> too, showing somehow the relationship between goths and carps.
> But he didnt.)
> Anyway, the bastarnae lived a lot and long with the thracians,
> fought with-and-against dacians; in the last time in the III
> century AC they withdrawed themself on the Peuce-insel and
> from that time in 2- or 3 cases as oft they were rememebered
> in the history, they were known as "peucini".So, there is
> questionable when did they went back in north, if they did it
> at all?