Re: Categorial collapse

From: George S t a n a
Message: 14699
Date: 2002-08-28

> I am not sure if in southern Germany is not a such way to
>speak. Even myself , I heard such things as " mit die
>Schauffel and similiars.. Someone will say, the people you
>heard, they simply have no clue of gramatik.

In "Ruhrgebiet" (the mining region of the Ruhr of
Rhineland-Westfalia) these occurrences are also to
be seen due to the fact that recent immigrants
also played a major role. Ruhr-German does have
similarities with neighbouring dialects (Rhineland
and Westfalia), but it is rather a subdialect (with
certain aspects of sociolect).

OTOH, in certain dialects words can have different
genders as compared with the standard language
(Hochdeutsch); e.g. in South German (esp. Bavarian)
you have "der" Butter (instead of "die"), and "das" Monat
(instead of "der").
