Re: [tied] Re: Initial 's' in Brittonic

From: guto rhys
Message: 14422
Date: 2002-08-21

Thanks for your answer. You are, as far as I am aware, quite correct concerning the fact that neither Breton nor Cornish developed an epenthetic vowel before s+unvoiced plosive as Welsh did.  Consequently it is shown that Welsh st>s occured before the attaching of the epenthetic vowel which I believe Jackson ascribes to the 9th century or so? I have a feeling that an early Welsh gloss has �seren� with �st-�. Another example is 'ystlum'  Br. �stlumm� (bat) which seems neither exalted nor rare. This is generaly pronounced 'slumyn/stlumyn' in my part of Wales. Perhaps 'stl-' itself does not fit in to the 'st-' pattern.


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