Re: [tied] Re: for Alvin

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 14390
Date: 2002-08-19

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 18:36:54 +0200, alexmoeller@... wrote:

>[Moeller] not only that one Thorsten. There is an imensity of words in
>romanian which ar supposed to come from latin ( most of them rightly)
>but a lot are form fantesist popular latin word.
>For instance " to learn" into romanian is [i:nva:t,a] supposed to come
>from a funny in-vitiare ( to viciate)
>an another could be a scutura where it was necesary to invente an latin
>*excutulare, where in fact latin have had the "quatio" for this one

Apparently, you have never seen an etymological dictionary of French, Italian or
Spanish. A form like *excutulare is a typical example of unattested
(recontructed) Vulgar Latin with ex- and frequentative -are. All Romance
languages are full of such unattested or sparsely attested forms, many of them
made on the same model. The fact is that the Romance languages are not
descended from written Latin, but from the spoken language, which was different
in many ways. You might as well claim that Spanish or Italian are not Romance

>I dont want to make a big list here, I dont have the space for it. But
>we should have to take a look at the simple things like numerals. For
>instance eight and ten.
>They could never ever come from latin because normaly into romanian the
>latin word "octo" should give perfectly into romanian "opt" . the same
>,ten, "dece" should give "zece". So is it , into romanian we have opt
>and zece .But we have the months octombrie and decembrie .The difference
>here is that octombrie and decembrie we know for sure trhey are latin
>words ( rumanians old words are gustar and gerar) so the opt and zece
>are supposed to come from latin. The comparation among octombrie /octo
>/opt and decembrie /dece /zece shows that the romanins got something
>from latin ( the months) but not the opt and zece ( the numerals)

Rubbish. The numerals are inherited, the names of the months are learned
borrowings (from ecclesiastical Greek/Church Slavonic, at least in the case of

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal