Re: [tied] Re: The Swedish Chef

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 14317
Date: 2002-08-13

Fella, is thet a great program! Fry mah hide! Ah allus wonnered how them lin'uistic guys manage t'master all them dialecks we haf down hyar. Now ah know. Their computers does it fo' them, dawgone it.


----- Original Message -----
From: Miguel Carrasquer
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Re: The Swedish Chef

The above text is translated by this lex program into:

"Thunk yuoo ell fur zee ixpluneshuns.

Delerna deeelect elsu hes its cherectereestics, beseedes zee meludeecel
vheech is zee cunseqooence-a ooff its ebureeginel pupooleshun.

Oon internet I fuoond zee presenteshun thet du zee suoond chunges (Deeelectize-a
typeecel fur zee Svedeesh Cheff frum zee Mooppvet Shoo (und oozeer foonny
su I emeenterested is zeere-a a beet ooff troot in thet juke-a, hoo mooch und by
ettreebootes Delerna deeelect deeffffers frum zee speech frum zee oozeer