borrowings you quote are indeed some of the best examples of direct
_Proto_Slavic_ loans into Romanian and Albanian, since Proto-Slavic for 'marsh'
is *bolto (phonetically [ba:'lta], with tense acuted [a]) and for 'chisel'
*dolto (phonetically [dalta], an oxytonon, if I'm not mistaken). The metathesis,
yielding _blato_ and _dlato_ is a later, specifically South Slavic
Both lexemes are attested
in most (not only South) Slavic languages.
It seemes your source is
rather insecure, and the author is just incompetent.
I just doubt about
this. And this is because the albanians have the same pattern as rumanians. And
that today they still use this patern and the sudic slavs have a methathesis
here ( i am not sure about the other slavs).
it is unlikely that two
folks to get a word from a thirth and to mentain it as in the ancient
proto_slav, and then the proto_slavs to make the methathesis and to change it
but these folks to keep over milenium the same form. Dont you
And if you got it, which
are "most" slavic languages without the south slavic? Where do we have it and
where not? "Most", here says almost nothing. I should like you to get please the
languages , other as south slavic where we have these best examples like *bolto,
*dolto and because we are here at the methatehesis of liquids but we
talked just for "l" let us talk about "r" too. Let us go
rom. gard, old slav grad,
alb. garth
rom. ta:rg,old slav
tru:gu:, alb. terg
rom. ga:rba:, old.slav
gru:bu:, alb. ge:rbe:
Dont you mind that it is
very unlikely that both albanians and rumanians to get the same patern but the
slavs to have an another one?It shows the vector of this loaning, don't