Re: Anatolia in 7500BC

From: x99lynx@...
Message: 13551
Date: 2002-04-29

Gevork Kherlopian <kherlop@...> wrote:

<<I do not understand your phrase "When writing begins".
Do you have in mind writing with letters (creation of
an alphabet) or you have in mind pictograph,ideograph,
cuneiform, hieroglyphs etc? They all are different
kinds of writings. We notice elements of
letter-writing in Sumerian heritage about 5000BC. We
trace elements in Egyptian hieroglyphs. The alphabet
is more or less a semitic finding. about 2000bc>>

The date of the invention of the "alphabet" proves nothing particularly about
where IE languages were in 2000BC, 7500BC or 9000BC. Sumerian written texts
from @ 3200BC are not alphabetic, which is a much later development. Those
texts and later Akkadian texts that are readable(!) as text make no clear
references to any recognizable language being spoken in western or central
Anatolia. When an IE language makes its first appearance in history
(@1900BC) it is in Anatolia. When ANY IE language makes its first historical
appearance in its own or a borrowed form of writing, it is in Anatolia.

IE is not in evidence in the earliest writing in Sumer, Egypt, Harrapan,
China or among the Maya. None of this is relevant in any way to the fact
that IE is first attested in Anatolia in second millennium BC and not
attested in the European or Asian steppes until much after that time.

There is no acceptibly decipherable written evidence of ANY language in
4000BC, 5000BC, 7500BC or 9500BC.

S. Long