Re: [tied] Ragnvalðr or Rögnvalðr?

From: tarasovass
Message: 13170
Date: 2002-04-10

--- In cybalist@..., "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

> 2. Eastern North Germanic shows very little u-umlaut. It's an
> Norse thing (exceptions, eg.: Danish pl. <børn> "children" (but
> Swedish pl. <barn>), <øl> (cf ale), <ørn> "eagle"). Perhaps the
> following -w- is responsible for the umlaut.

Thank you for your comments.
Interestingly enough, you explain <o,> in western Norse _Ro,gnvaldr_
via u-umlaut caused by <v> [w] of the compound's second element (if I
get you right), while Piotr assumes something like analogical
influence of some u-ending forms of the first element.
