More suffix stuff

From: tgpedersen
Message: 12882
Date: 2002-03-26

A site I can't locate anymore claimed further that the existence of
a doublet ("rinck sive ringo") for "ring" in Busbeq's text indicates
that Crimean Gothic might have had suffixed articles too.

BTW at least in some particular styles of Danish garden variety
independent definite articles are used, eg. the folkevise:

Først rømmede de Morsingboer
og så de forrædere af Thy
ene da stod de Vendelboer
de vilde ikke fly

First defected the men of Mors
and then the traitors of Thy
alone then stood the Vendel men
they did not want to flee

of a rebellion in Northern Jutland against the election to king of
Christoffer of Bavaria (around 1440).
