Re: [tied] Grimm and Verner

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 11835
Date: 2001-12-16

On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:58:34 +0100, "Giuseppe Pagliarulo"
<g.pagliarulo@...> wrote:

>but then I think of Old Norse _ylgr_ "she-wolf" where the voicing of
>IE *kW seems to have taken place before the *kW > *p (> *f) shift.

I forgot to comment on this. As I have stated in the past, I think
the "wolf" word should be reconstructed with PIE *pW (> *kW under most
circumstances, but usually retained as *p > *f/*b in Germanic). If
the word was *wl.pWíh2s, the only way to get <ylgr> (*wulgiz) in ON is
indeed through a Verner stage *wulbWiz and not through a Grimm(II)
form *wulfWiz. This assumes a merger of *b(h)W and *g(h)W in
proto-Germanic, in line with Seebold's soundlaw *ghW- > *b-, and
taking advantage of the general confusion around *ghW in Germanic.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal