Re: [tied] Vanir

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 11250
Date: 2001-11-19

-----Original Message-----
From: george knysh [mailto:gknysh@...]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Vanir

*****GK: Since we were discussing a Latin text in
Jordanes which went back to some Gothic source, the
obvious assumption would be that this source used
Gothic words. When you suggested a Baltic explanation
for "INAUXIS" I was curious as to whether other Baltic
terms (assuming this one was) had been borrowed into

[Sergejus Tarasovas] 
But a toponym repeated after some communicant is not yet a borrowing. I hope you don't consider Mordens a Mordovianism in Gothic? I supposed by default your question concerned appellative lexis. It seemes both your question and my answer were off the target :|

> (ST)But Slavic *ple,sati is itself problematic as to
> etymology, and
> Slavic > Gothic plinsjan can't be considered proven.

*****GK: I can
only go by what seems to be the established current
[Sergejus Tarasovas] 
What makes you think so?
It would be interesting to know your opinion on the Jordanes' passage I cited in ? Is it possible in your opinion that some part of the Goths hasn't crossed Pripyat?