Re: Vrddhi in sigmatic aorist

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 10740
Date: 2001-10-30

--- In cybalist@..., Miguel Carrasquer Vidal <mcv@...> wrote:
> My conclusion would be that the lengthening originates in 2 & 3 sg.
> active only: *bher-s-s and *bher-s-t becoming *bhe:rs and *bhe:rst.

I understand *bher-s-s > *bher-r-s > *bhe:rs. But how would you apply
that model to *bher-s-t? > *bher-r-t > *bhe:r-t > (analogical
restitution of -s-) *bhe:r-s-t?

>In OCS, we have the strange situation that the
> paradigm shows vrddhied forms everywhere *but* in the 2 & 3 sg.
> (ne^sU, nese, nese, ne^somU, ne^ste, ne^se,), as these forms have
> substituted by thematic root-aorists (nese < *nes-e-s, *nes-e-t).

Some time ago Piotr argued *r and other sonorants block the RUKI-rule
in Slavic (*usro > *(j)ustro, not **(j)uxro). But what about Slavic
aorists like *re^xU (< *re:ksm.)? Why *m doesn't block?
