From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 9558
Date: 2001-09-18
*I, *U = yers (lax high vowels)*& = schwa (lax mid central vowel)*C’ = palatalised *C (palatality is automatic and therefore not marked before front vowels; in clusters, only the palatality of the last element is marked)*C^ (*s^, *ts^, *z^, *dz^) = palatoalveolars*E = open front vowel (from PIE *ai, *oi, *e:)*V~ = nasal vowelVowel length and intonation ignoredOld and Modern Polish (italicised):rz = Old Polish fricative trill (*r’) > postalveolar fricativel/ = dark lateral (< non-palatalised *l) > Mod. [w]w = [v] (voiced labiodental fricative)sz, cz, z., dz. = palatoalveolars > Mod. postalveolarsc = [ts]C’ = palatalised consonant; before vowels, [C’..] is spelt Ci..;palatalisation is automatic (and therefore not marked) before is’, c’, z’, dz’ = palatalised dentals > Mod. alveopalatalsa~ = Old Polish nasal [a] > Mod. e,, a, = [eN, oN]*c^i, etc., *tsi, *dzi, *ri > Polish czy, ... cy, dzy, rzy (dispalatalised)*kU, *gU > ke, ge > kie, gie [k’e, g’e]*ky, *gy > ki, gi"SYLLABIC RHOTICS"Mainstream development of tautosyllabic (that is, preconsonantal) yer-plus-rhotic combinations:*Ur > *&r > ar*Ir > *’&r’ > ’irz ~ ’erz, palatalising the preceding consonant (spelt i(e)rz)Dispalatalisation:*’&r’ > *&r > ar before any coronal consonant followed by a non-front vowel. The change took place before the loss of yers.EXAMPLES:Original *Ur*kUrkU ‘neck’ > *k&rk& > kark*gUrdlo ‘throat’ > *g&rdlo > gardl/o*tUrgU ‘market’ > *t&rg& > targ*gUrbU ‘hump’ > *g&rb& > garb*gUrstI ‘handful’ > *g&rst’& > gars’c’Original *Ir, palatalisation lost:*tIrnU ‘thorn-bush’ > *t&rn& > tarn*zIrno ‘grain’ > *z&rno > zarno (Mod. ziarno)*sIrna ‘roedeer’ > *s&rna > sarna*c^IrtU ‘fiend’ > *c^&rt& > czart*tvIrdU ‘hard’ > *tv&rd& > tward(y)Original *Ir, palatalisation retained:*sIrpU ‘sickle’ > *s’&r’p& > si(e)rzp (Mod. sierp)*vIrxU ‘top’ > *v’&r’x& > wi(e)rzch (Mod. wierzch)*tIrnI ‘thorn’ > *t’&rn’& > ci(e)rzn’ (Mod. ciern’)*zIrnE ‘grain [Loc.]’ > *z’&rnE > zi(e)rznie (> ziernie, Mod. ziarnie)*sIrs^enI ‘hornet’ > *s’&rs^en’& > si(e)rzszen’ (Mod. szerszen’)Typical alternations caused by dispalatalisation:*pUrst- ‘finger’*pUrst-en-I ‘ring’ > *p’&rst’en’& > pi(e)rzs’cien’ (Mod. piers’cien’)*na-pUrst-Uk-U ‘thimble’ > *nap&rst&k& > naparstek*mIr- ‘die’*sU-mIr-tI ‘death’ > *s&m’&rt’& > s’mi(e)rzc’ (Mod. s’mierc’)*mIr-tv-U ‘dead’ > *m’&rtv& > martw(y)Typical examples of later analogical levellings:zarno (Nom.) : zir(z)nie (Loc.) > ziarno : ziernie > Mod. ziarno : ziarniesarna (Nom.) : sir(z)nie (Loc.) > Mod. sarna : sarnieMINOR COMPLICATIONS(1) rz [r^] > r consistently before coronals and less consistently (in Old Polish variably) before labials; rz is retained before velars.(2) Increasing tendency to replace ir(z) with ier(z) already in Old Polish.(a) cirn’ ‘thorn’, wircic’ ‘drill’, c’wirdza ‘fortress’, dzirz.yc’ ‘hold’ (here, r and z. stand for separate phonemes!), czyrnic’ ‘paint black’(Mod. ciern’, wiercic’, twierdza, dzierz.yc’, czernic’)
(b) wirzba ‘willow’, pirzwy ~ pirwy ‘first’, czyrzw’ ~ czyrw’ ‘worm’, cirzpiec’ ~ cirpiec’ ‘suffer’, sirp ‘sickle’(Mod. wierzba, pierwszy, czerw, cierpiec’, sierp)(c) zmirzk ‘twilight’, wirzch ‘top’(Mod. zmierzch, wierzch)