Re: Pelasgian, Tyrrhenian, and Achaean

From: ehlsmith@...
Message: 9503
Date: 2001-09-15

--- In cybalist@..., "Joseph S Crary" <pva@...> wrote:
> clearly can not mean that the City Krestona was Cisra as the
> Tyrrhenian city states were all situated to the north and not the
> south. Thus in Italy the Pelasgians could not be located above the
> Tyrrhenians and bordering the Dorians.
> In this case the use of huper must imply some type of temporal
> setting

I believe any consideration of "above" in north-south terms would be
an anachronism. Isn't the convention of north equaling up an
invention of recent centuries? Wouldn't a writer of antiquity using
above or below in a spatial sense be referring to elevation or

Ned Smith

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