Re: Did IE languages spread before farming?

From: markodegard@...
Message: 9318
Date: 2001-09-10


> Here is an example of another region which is now filled with ice:
> Arctic river. I think IE and PIE linguists will have to study the
> cycles of glaciation and deglaciation before pontificating on
> dates of incursions of IE speakers into Bha_rata.

No 'scientific' claims are made for PIE until ca. 6000-5500 BCE, well
after the start of the Holocene, and even here, these are just
estimates based on the archaeological record; 'hard' claims are not
asserted until about the mid 3rd millenium.

The Nostraticists have different rules that IEists and can make
conjectures based on just about nothing.

Where are the Pleistocene remains in India?