Re: [tied] Danubian homeland?

From: Max Dashu
Message: 9239
Date: 2001-09-09

>> A consistent picture emerges if we observe that the Funnel Beaker
>>culture displays most of the material and sociopolitical
>>elements attributed to the "IE culture" as reconstructed on the basis of
>>linguistic palaeontology (including wheeled transport, farming, villages
>>with longhouses, palisaded fortifications, emergence of low-level
>>hierarchical societies, etc.).>>

Why longhouses, linguistically?

>> some groups within its area developed a new style of subsistence,
>>depending more upon herding and transhumance than sedentary farming.<<

Doesn't PIE originally show a strong emphasis on livestock raising?

>> Accordingly, it is in the Middle Danubian region that the "ultimate" PIE
>>homeland can be located, assuming that the (very distant) ancestors
>>of Anatolian-speakers were the IEs who stayed behind.<<

Sorry, I'm are not sure what you mean: are you saying they stayed in the
Middle Danube while the others set off for the long march?
