From: Che
Message: 9005
Date: 2001-09-03
----- Original Message -----From: fhbSent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 12:29 AMSubject: Re: [tied] Vw again--- Glen Gordon <glengordon01@...> wrote
> It's refered to as "IPA" in English. You know, the
> idea of
> a new "katakana" system for English intrigues me...
Hmmm.. English katakana? Not, what I mean is just
another IPA, but using only Roman characters (and
therefore digraphs, since the number of Roman
characters is limited). I have a webpage and, even if
I could (or know how to) present IPA characters in it,
most of people who read it, will not understand them.
So, I use "th" por Spanish "z" or "sh" for Catalan
"x". I think it would be easy if having an universal
phonemic notation simpler than current IPA (at least,
for non-scholar purposes). And it would be useful as
well to have an universal Roman-character spell of
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