Eteocypriot/Etruscan Fun
From: MrCaws@...
Message: 8782
Date: 2001-08-28
Eteocypriot-So there is at least some indication that this was
related to EtruscoLemnian?? If so...
Oh ho ho. Beautiful. I won't say that works with all my ideas, but it
does make a lot of sense. Sardinian bronze improved circa 1200 BCE,
resembling Cypriot work, yes? Early pottery on Cyprus resembles
Cycladic models, yes? Maye we now have some supporting evidence
putting the sea peoples in the Mediterranean prior to all of the
Trojan War Sea Pople mess.
That brings me back to the sea-trader concept- There is evidence of a
eastward move into Anatolia from Crete. There is also a tradition of
Cretan arrivals on Cyprus. I'm thinking that the departure from Lydia
was only part of a long saga of movement for the err..Pelasgo-
Tyrrheno-peoples. Fleeing from political disturbance on Crete mid 2nd
millenium? Minos and Sarpedon? I'm just throwing stuff out here, but
it's starting to sound good to me.
-Mr. Caws
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