Re: Møller, Bomhard and the whole IE-AA schmoo

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 8762
Date: 2001-08-27

--- In cybalist@..., "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...> wrote:
> Torsten:
> >In that is so, perhaps someone should tell Bomhard to remove Møller
> >from his list of references. On the other hand, that would be
> >intellectually dishonest, since IE-AA cognates first published by
> >Møller are all over Bomhard's list. Perhaps you should move
> >books to your basement, along with your Kurt Cobain records?
> I never got into the Kurt Cobain craze but I did like Weird Al
> Yankovic's spoof "Smells like Nirvana". It was funny up until
> the suicide... then it wasn't so funny. On to your Møller obsession.
> Møller never published anything in way of substance concerning
> these long-range comparisons because he ignored (perhaps
> purposefully) the sheerly immense span of time seperating the two
> languages and the obvious possibilities for mutual contact after
> Nostratic seperation that would obscure relationship over these past
> seventeen thousand years! Given this, it's beyond me how you can
> insist on deifying him as a true source of information. My ideas
> on Nostratic are based on others too, but this doesn't mean that
> any single reference of might put in my bibliography one day are
> a large wealth of ideas.
> Without fully understanding the intermediate stages of either
> language group (which we don't at all as it currently stands),
> the above two factors (span of time, later mutual contact)
> cannot adequately weed out reality from fantasy. I feel IE and AA
> *are* ultimately related but deeper thinking must be devoted to
> this problem. Certainly, making Greenbergian word lists does
> nothing to help and is only acid to a sore.
> Unfortunately, even today, Nostraticists are still ignoring
> rather than remedying the problems existant with properly proving
> genetic relationship between IE and AA. If Bomhard should use
> Møller in his references, it explains well the disappointing
> lack of detail in his work in this regard.
> -------------------------------------------------
> gLeNny gEe
> ...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!
> home:
> email: glengordon01@...
> -------------------------------------------------
Actually, what I've proposed all along is that the glosses I put on
my homepage were loans from Austronesian into AA and (later?) IE, so
your criticisms don't apply. We've been here before.


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