Re: [tied] EteoCypriot

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 8747
Date: 2001-08-26

Ed mentions:
>I am going by Cyrus H. Gordon's "Evidence for the Minoan language".
> >Ventnor, 1966, and I have attached a bitmap of the inscription from
>his book.

Nice. Thanx.

>He argues that the inscription is in a language related to Phoenician, and
>translates it as "The Amathus-Mukul community, for this Ariston (son of)
>this Artowanax - yea this City-of-X, erected (?) this over him as a
>memorial monument".

What's the "Amathus-Mukul" community? "Yea"?

>There is a bit of a problem with your ECy. /alo/ = Etr. /al-/ in
>that the archaic Etruscan is /ali-/.

Actually, you're right, for the wrong reason. It should be
/alo-kai/ "have given" (Etr aluce).

>I know the idea that Hurrian might have anything to do with
>anything is quite anathema to you, but /ana/ ?= Hur. /anni/
>"this", /umi-/ ?= Hur. /umi-/ "land" and /ailas-/ ?= >Hur. /alaSiya/

Of course, we could associate EteoCypriot with any language like
this. The key is whether these associations yield a
meaningful translation or not.

>potential Etruscan parallels I can see are /ana/ ?= Etr. /an/ "this",

Yes but actually Etruscan /an/ means "it" as far as I'm aware.

>/matori/ ?= Etr. /matar/ "urns", and /kail-/ ?= Etr. /cela/ "tomb".

Aaah, I'll think about that one. Thanx.

gLeNny gEe
...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!

email: glengordon01@...

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