Re: [tied] Tyrrhenian and its relation to IE

From: erobert52@...
Message: 8667
Date: 2001-08-22

In a message dated 21/08/01 17:17:26 GMT Daylight Time,
glengordon01@... writes:

>My supposition is that the word is an adjective */(a)paniun(a)/ qualifying

I thought you were assocating /upiku/ with a verb "to give". You
mean an _adverb_? This isn't making sense. What's your suggested
translation of this phrase then?

(a)paniun(a): "votive" (adjective)
laSanuale: "to Lashanua" (theonym, dative)
upiku: "offering" (noun, of verbal origin)
perunies: "from/by Perunia" (anthroponym, agentive)
sxaispala: "Scespalis" (toponym etc., ablative)

>BTW I think your suggestion: [...]is really interesting. I've been
>wondering about this strange aphaeretic/prothetic /a-/ (and /e-/ too?)
>keeps coming and going. This feature may be of relevance relating to

And /e-/ too? As in what terms? In Etruscan?

I was thinking particularly of zal/esl, but also Tuscan/Etruscan.

Ed. Robertson

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