Glen's Strange Rule

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 8662
Date: 2001-08-22

Actually, I'm a little disappointed that my rule isn't crazy.
I find sanity to be so mentally confining, but this added info
makes me tingle with glee. Thanx, Piotr.

Tyrrhenian would certainly have had syllabic constraints firmly
against a pattern like *-CC. I'm still not sure to what end *-C
was allowed but I know that nasals were allowed in final position
(eg: accusative *-n). Perhaps this was all that existed for
final consonants. If so, *Xast�ra (and not *Xast�r) is a better
reconstruction of the Goddess name. At any rate, syllables
always conformed to the shape *CV(C).

The accent change must have happened after *o formed as an
allophonic variant of *a when next to labial consonants (*m, *kW,
*t:W, *w, etc). This is because words like *p:ar�wa "brother"
should derive from earlier *p:arawa (MidIE *ber�xWe > *bhraxte:r)
which would have yielded *p:�rawa if the exception against accent
shifting (Piotr's number "2") was in effect.

>In cases like /taraki/, ['tarki] and ['traki] are equally well-formed and
>the resulting tie may be resolved by constraints
>not discussed here (e.g. if the language avoids complex onsets,
>['tarki] may turn out to be preferable to ['traki]). I wonder what >happens
>to such words in your model.

So do I! I could never have thought of such a possibility without
your help, but it makes sense here. It's hard to come up with
an example of *C�Ca- in Tyrrhenian though, given that IE doesn't
appear to be vocalically conservative making vowel reconstruction
in IndoTyrrhenian difficult (that is, unstressed vowels
might have all turned into schwa under the penultimate stress of
Old and MidIE). Plus, Etruscans loved to forget to write vowels
almost randomly. Combined with the fact that Rhaetic and Lemnian
are poorly attested or understood. (And I won't even get into
the dilemmas of EteoCypriot...) Aaaarrggghhh!

I thought of one relevant example but it's somewhat assumptive.
I *assume* that /par/ in Etruscan had once meant "house". It was
a term involving "social or administrative conditions" as mentioned
on McCallister's now dead site (nb: /zilch parchis/). A term like
*p�ra "house" might be set up to account for Etruscan /par/. If existant, it
would probably be ultimately an Egyptian loan but
this wanderword has been mentioned before. (Actually, searching
through the archives I notice, Piotr, that you state firmly that
Hattic /wel/ is unrelated to this wanderword... Why isn't it
related when /p/ alternates with /w/?)

The "house" term would then filter into Anatolian via Tyrrhenian
*p�ra-na (note Etruscan /parna larthalis'a/). Who knows,
maybe it was the Tyrrhenians who coined the name of Parnassos
first as *P�ranase.

I'll have to think more on *C�Ca- and get back to you. That's a
tough one.

gLeNny gEe
...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!

email: glengordon01@...

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