Re: [tied] Re: Celtic Jutland

From: Marc Verhaegen
Message: 8363
Date: 2001-08-07

>> >Skagerrak Dutch? Doesn't sound very Dutch to me?
>> >What is the etymology? Rak near Skagen?
>> >and rak = vaarwater? (cf. rekken & Lat. regere,
>> >direction...)?
>> > Kattegat is not impossible, but so is its folk-
>> >etymological (if that is the right term) derivation
>> > from Kwade Gat (if the Kattegat was was a
>> >dangerous water?). Marc
>BTW rak = "vaarwater" (approx. =? sea lane, navigable water


>) and
>Latin regere "direction" intrigues me. In light of Benveniste's
>interpretation of the function of Latin rex as "overseer, surveyor"
>perhaps the rex was once a navigator? Torsten

Dutch "rekken" = make straight = Latin "regere".
