Re: Mayan and Chinese

From: Guillaume JACQUES
Message: 8166
Date: 2001-07-30

--- In cybalist@..., "João S. Lopes Filho" <jodan99@...> wrote:
> I have a book, a Portuguese translation of Le Livre des Morts des
Mayas, by Paul Arnold, who mentions a lot of correspondences between
Chinese and Mayan languages. I''d like to know if these
correspondences are sure or it's just a invention of the author:
> Mayan -b = Chines - -o or zero
> Mayan (M) lab "old" = Chinese (C) lao "old"
> M lub "to fall" = C luo "to fall"
> M cab "strong,fertile" = C gao "fertile, fat"
> M tub "to spit" = tuo "to spit"

Ces correspondances ne valent rien :

vieux lao3 < lawX < *k@-raw
tomber luo4 < lak < *k@-rak
graisse gao1 < kaw < *ko ou *kaw
cracher tu4 < thuH < *thaqs (commun avec l'AN)

Comme vous pouvez tous le remarquer, les finales sont toutes
differentes en chinois archaique.

Salutations de Canton,
