Re: [tied] Vocative Capitalization.

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 8099
Date: 2001-07-25

--- In cybalist@..., "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01@...> wrote:
> Torsten:
> >Danish 2nd pl. pronoun is "I" with a capital I (as opposed to "i":
> >in).
> Kinda like German "Sie", nicht dass wahr? I think the capitalized
> vocative idea isn't working although an interesting thought
> nonetheless :)
Polite address in Danish today is "De" 3rd. pl., but was "I" 2nd pl.
earlier (as "ni" still is in Swedish, without capitalization). But
there was an interesting question in Umbreto Eco's "Name of the Rose"
over which grammarians argued for 14 days before getting physical:
What is the vocative of "ego"? Would be nice to know, nicht wahr?


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