Re: [tied] Fjall, pilis, polis...

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 7555
Date: 2001-06-11

I think <Vor-> somehow expresses the idea of that part of Pomerania being "in front" of the rest, i.e. nextto German lands. Slavic <po-> (a preposition as well as a suffix) means more or less "(extending) as far as". Cf. Polish Polesie < *po-le^sIje 'the country reaching the forests', pogórze < *po-gorIje 'the submontane zone', etc.
----- Original Message -----
From: markodegard@...
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Fjall, pilis, polis...

Piotr writes:

>Slavic *polje is an old *-jo-m neuter, while <opole>
>is a typical nomen loci in *-Ije < *-ijo-m (as in
>Pomorze 'Pomerania' < *po-morIje 'seaside' : *morje 'sea').

I didn't know that. I did recognize the German form, Vorpommern as
having a preposition. In the light of Piotr's etymology, this seems a
redundant. In English, the state is 'Mecklenburg-West Pomerania'. Is
someone gonna tell me 'Vor' can mean 'west[ern]' in German?

Before-the-sea-land, Seacoast-land.

How old is this? It seems to be a 'native' word tarted up with a Latin

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