Re: Sarasvati River

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 7513
Date: 2001-06-09

--- In cybalist@..., "Alexander Stolbov" <astolbov@...> wrote:
> Yes, I needed this information for dating.
> However there is a better chronological mark in the saga:
> "Rúmverja höfðingjar".
> When Odense was founded according to archaeological evidences (as a
> settlement and as a town)?
> Alexander
"Den store danske encyklopædi" has the following to say:
In Odense Kommune two megalith graves and 18 grave mounds have been
preserved, while approx. 130 are known to have been destroyed. South
of Skovs Højrup has been found a crescent-shaped golden neck ornament
from the Dagger Age, a so called lunula; only have been found in
Denmark. Several sacrificial finds are known from the Younger Bronze
Age. The largest is from Fangel Torp, consisting of jewelry, tools
weapons and equine equipment plus a small bronze sculpture of a
kneeling woman; in all around one hundred objects. Among the many
grave sites from Roman Iron Age [this is what we should be looking
at] may be mentioned a large grave site at Fraugde and a smaller one
at Sanderumgård; the latter with richly provided graves, where many
of the grave gifts are imported. From Vimose comes one of the great
war booty sacrifices of the iron age. At Hjallese is found a splendid
neck ring in gold from Older Germanic Iron Age, and from the same
time comes a golden neck ring, where also 10 gold brakteats and 37
pieces of ring gold. On Nonnebakken in Odense one of the forts of the
viking age was situated.


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