Re: Semitoid, PIE, Tyrrhenian, etc.

From: MrCaws@...
Message: 7390
Date: 2001-05-24

--- In cybalist@..., jdcroft@... wrote:

> Mr Caws wrote concerning the connection between Cretian tholoi and
> Halafian ones. We need to be careful here, Halafian tholoi were
> dwellings, not graves. In fact if you look at contemporary photos
of Harran they are still being built and occupied.
> Similar structures in such geographically remote areas, being used
> for different purposes is unlikely to mean any connection (just
> at the Megalith phenomenon - Europe, Caucasas, Ethiopia, the
> Laos, Korea and Japan).

I agree the idea is kind of fishy- I was just bringing up an
alternative to my pet Tyrrhenian idea, and trying to see what other
people think about the Minoan Tholoi .

> Regarding Lefkani - yest the latest is that they were refugees from
> Anatolia fleeing the arrival of Anatolian. Whilst they settled in
> the Cyclades and mainland Greece, it is generally accepted that
> bypassed Crete, which did not have any major new arrivals after the
> neolithic.

I guess I was a little muddied. What I meant was the Lefkandi flowing
into Cyclades and Western Greece could be the derivation of the
Tyrrhenian place names Glen was talking about on the mainland, and
that Crete could be the earlier recipient of similar culture via
trade, exchange and perhaps migration.
This exchange and contact with Troy and other settlements, like
Poliochni on Lemnos, must date back at least to the appearance of the
Tholoi, as similar fine gold work found in the tombs have been found
at the two aforementioned sites.
Of course, I just have to mention that the Etruscans were known for
the unmatched quality of their goldwork.

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