Re: [tied] PIE verbs (6) -- as simple as quantum mechanics

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 7319
Date: 2001-05-14

On Mon, 14 May 2001 06:44:11 , "Glen Gordon"
<glengordon01@...> wrote:

>Miguel states concerning the primary *-i:
>>It is possible that *-i is simply the locative ending, and that the
>>auxiliary verb was dropped.
>That really goes beyond the bounds of IE grammar as we know it.
>Declensional endings of the noun placed after personal
>endings of the verb??

"Locative ending" was a bad choice of words. The locative ending was
in fact zero, to which *i (postposition?) could optionally be suffixed
(also to the dative). In the verb, the structure is: VERBAL_ROOT -
PRONOUN - *i (e.g. *hes *mu *i > *hesmi, perhaps translatable as
"being I in").

>Is there any instance in IE of *-o:i?

As a 1sg. verbal marker, no. There is Luwian *-(a)wi.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal