Re: [tied] PIE grammar queries; PIE dictionary?

From: Julianus
Message: 7201
Date: 2001-04-23

petegray wrote:
> >One problem with many inventories of IE "words" is that only bare roots are
> >listed, without any useful information concerning the attested derived
> words >and the way they should be inflected. One should list individual
> well->documented stems and all irregular forms. Thus, for verbs: *leikW-e-,
> >*linekW-, aor. *likW-e-, perf. *le-loip-/*le-lip-.
> Rix' "Lexicon der Indogermanischen Verben" does precisely that.

I don't suppose there is a similar work in English?

-- Julianus

‘Nothing on the face of this earth -- and I do mean nothing -- is half
so dangerous as a children’s story that happens to be real, and you and
I are wandering blindfolded through a myth devised by a maniac.’
-- Master Li Kao (T’ang Dynasty)