again: slav - sklav-slova

From: NXmTo01@...
Message: 6477
Date: 2001-03-09

Three or four different words for the name -

1.slova=letter, (sloven, original people)

2. sklav=slave (savery, enslavement, enslaving, enslave, to be enslaved, to

3. slav = praise

4. slava=glory (neka mu je slava...glenu)

 slav - in the broad sense of the word - equivocal - comprehension, with
four different significations...
 I think the name - slav - for slavs, is mixed and can not to be determined,
from the word - glory, because is a different signification - slava=glory.

 Two roots sklav+slav=?

  The root for speaking, speech, -slova=letter, what has to do with the word
- slav-s ?

Maybe, Mr. Piotr Gasiowski, Glen Gordon and Julianus, they can to explain
