Re: Odp: [tied] Re: Albanian connection

From: erobert52@...
Message: 6440
Date: 2001-03-08

In a message dated 07/03/01 19:37:22 GMT Standard Time, mdesfaye@...

> For concordances between Etruscan and Illyrian, see Z. Mayani, La fin du
> "myst?re étrusque. Maloine, Paris, 1970 (oh I know what linguists think
> of this work). However he presents facts, not concordances based on
> hypothetical PIE roots. I think this work has been translated in
> English.

Yes, it has been translated into English, as "The Etruscans begin to speak".
However, the alleged correspondences are with MODERN Albanian. But the
biggest problem with his method is that he does not adhere to the results of
Etruscological scholarship thus far, based on the combinatorial method. He
reinvents new meanings for Etruscan words whose meanings have long been
agreed, merely because they fit his thesis of an Albanian connection.
Obviously anybody could do that with any language to claim anything. Thus
this work should not be taken seriously.
