Minerva / Athena --> bet - M parallels

From: Cohen, Izzy
Message: 6327
Date: 2001-03-04

> Bet - M parallels
> In an earlier posting [Minerva / Athena], I forgot to append
> a list of Semitic bet - M parallels.
> First, I'll insert an item from Orjan Svensson about
> a similar V - M parallel in Danish - Swedish:
> >>
> As for the Danes (by the way I am almost myself a Dane since the part
> of Sweden were I live belonged to Denmark before Sweden conquered it)
> they have a tendency to substitute g and pronounce v instead. For
> example the Swedish word LAGA (to make) is pronounced and spelt LAVE in
> Danish. Another shift between G and V can be seen in the name of their
> capital which they call Koebenhavn whereas in English you say Copenhagen.
> HAVN means harbour in Danish and for some reason it has become "hagen"
> in English. However, in Swedish HAMN means harbour. Hamn by the way also
> means "envelope" (in this signification sometimes spelt HAM) and this is
> said to be related to the Swedish word LEKAMEN (likhami in Icelandic)
> which means "body". I wonder if it is just a coincidence that this
> resembles the biblical word Lamed-KHet-Vav-Mem.
> Anyway as seen from the following table the shift between HAVN and HAMN
> is not the only case where V and M corresponds to each other.
> jämn jevn even
> ämne evne substance
> namn navn name
> This shows that we not only have the G <--> V rule.
> We also have the V <--> M rule.
> Örjan
> Orjan.Svensson@...
> <<
> Bet - M parallels
> ? = aleph; X =het; 3 = aiyin
> amythest = a purple or violet quartz, used as a gem.
> < ME ametist < AF ametiste < L amethystus
> < Gk améthystos = not intoxicating (from a belief
> that it prevented drunkenness ? < a + methystos
> < methyein = to be drunk < méthy = wine)
> ~ bet-heh-tet bahat = precious purple stone, porphyry
> heh=DH [porphyry < Gk pórphyr(os)= purple]
> image < OF image, imagene (-ene construed as suffix)
> < L imaginem < imago=a copy, likeness ~ imitate
> < TH bet-vet-oo-yod-heh bavooyah
> = reflection, image, shadow (see bauble)
> made = past tense of make
> < bet-dalet-alef bada? = devise, invent (see myth)
> maelstrom < early Dut maelstroom, now maalstroom
> <? malen = to grind + stroom = stream
> < bet-lamed-oo-aiyin-heh bloo3ah = vortex
> < b'li3ah = swallowing (see bulimia, maw)
> majority = reach legal age < ML majoritas
> < TH bet-gimel-resh bagar = grow up, come of age, to be of age
> mallet < ME maylet < OF maillet, mallot = wooden hammer
> < mail < L malleus = hammer
> ~ TH bet-lamed-tet = to be cut in relief
> > MH heh-vet-lamed-yod-tet hivlit = to emboss,
> bring into relief (see obelisk)
> marry < ME marien < OF marier < L maritare
> = wed, marry < maritus = married man or husband
> ~ Lith marti = bride < IE meryo, meri, mori
> ~ bet-aiyin-lamed = marry
> marsh < ME mersh < OE mersc, merisc
> ~ OFris, OS mersk, MLG mersch, marsch, Germ Marsch
> = fen, marsh, bog, MD mersch, marsch
> ~ bet-yod-tzadi-heh bitzah = marsh, bog
> mastic = yellow resin, masticate < Gk mastiche
> > 20H mastik = chewing gum
> ~ bet-tzadi-kuf batzayk = dough
> (subject) matter < ME matere, materie < OF matiere, materie
> ~ L materia = woody part of tree, material, substance
> < bet-dalet-yod-lamed b'dil = in re: < Aramaic (see metal)
> mausoleum < L mausoleum < Gk maussoleîon
> (not < tomb at Halicarnassus of Carian satrap Mausolus who died 353 BC)
> < bet-yod-saf aiyin-vav-lamed-mem bays 3olam = cemetery,
> literally, house everlasting / eternity
> [Mausolus probably took the name because he intended that his
> lineage be everlasting.]
> mean, meaning < ME menen < OE mænan ~ OFris mena, OS menian, OHG meinen
> < bet-yod-nun bin = understand, discern, know, perceive
> medical < ML medicalis < L medicus=medical < mederi = to heal
> < bet-dalet-kuf bedek = repair
> > TH bet-dalet-yod-kuf-heh b'dikah = examination
> mess, messy = untidy, sloppy < ME mes (not < LL missus = what is sent)
> < TH bet-yod-shin bish = bad, wrong < Aram (see botch)
> mix < L miscere = to mix, mingle
> ~ mem-samekh-khaf masakh = ix (liquid), blend, mingle; mesekh = mixed
> drink;
> masaykah = libation ? msx-->mxs
> ~ TH bet-hex-shin bakhash = to stir bkhsh-->mxs
> mogul = prominent or powerful person < Pers / Ar mughal, mughul
> ~ bet-aiyin-lamed ba3al = possessor, owner, proprietor (see Ba3al)
> morn < ME morne < OE morne ~ OFris morgen, OHG morgan, Germ Morgen
> ~ OE myrgen, ON morginn, Go maurgins
> ~ TH bet-resh-kuf-alef-yod barka?i = morning star
> < bet-resh-kuf barak = flash (of lightning), glitter brk->mrg
> ~ mem-alef-vav-resh aiyin-yod-nun-yod-mem m'?or 3ayna'yim= bright, joyous
> face,
> lit. light of eyes; TH eyesight
> (see crack of dawn = the green flash, caused by ionization of upper
> atmosphere)
> The Hebrew response to BoKeR ToV = good morning is BoKeR ?oR = morning
> light.
> mud < ME mudde < MLG mudde, MD modde ~ MHG mot = bog, peat, Sw modd = mud,
> mire
> < P-G mud ~ Ir mothar = bog < IE mut
> ~ bet-(vav)-tzadi botz = mud, mire TZ-->D
> mutter < ME moteren ~ moot = to speak, say, utter < OE motian = to speak
> < bet-tet-alef bata? = to utter words, speak rashly (see moot)
> myth < Gk mythos = thought, story, myth
> < TH bet-dalet-heh badah = invent, devise, fabricate, concoct;
> TH badoos=fabricate, fiction, falsehood
> > mem-yod-taf-vav-samekh mitos = myth
> shimmer < ME schimeren, schemeren
> < OE scimrian ~ Dut schemeren, Germ schimmern
> ~ TH zayin-heh-vet zahav = glitter like gold
> ~ TH tzadi-heh-bet tzahav = to be bright, glitter, gleam
> welcome < Scand ~ ON velkominn < vel = well + kominn = come
> ~ OE wilcuma = one who is welcome < wil = welcome + cuma = comer
> ~? bet-resh-oo-khaf heh-bet-alef barookh haba? = welcome brkh hb-->vlkm