I: Vaso kubrilovic and the root of conflict in kosova

From: giovanni
Message: 6315
Date: 2001-03-03

Could be a future for the Kosova in the ex Jugoslavie withcut a revision of
the Cubric's teory ?
In his report to the Government of the Kingdom of Jugoslavia (March 1937)
the professor of philosophy Vaso Cubrilovic wrote:" While since 1912 all
Balkanic countries have solved, or are on the way to solve the problems of
national minorities through mass deportations, we have been blocked by slow,
unarmed methods of the gradual colonisation. But the Albanians can not be
expelled only through the means of gradual colonisation. The only way to be
successful with them is to use the organised state brute force. In this we
have been superior. The mass deportation of the Albanians is the only
effective solution for us."
63 years have passed since the xenophobic phobias of professor Vaso
Cubrilovic, who can be considered the father of the ethnic cleaning
Milosevic put into effect in Kosova in 1999. Still in his memorial the
Government of Belgrado Doctor Vaso Cubrilovic writes: " To come to the
deportation of a whole population the first requirement is the creation of
an adequate psychosis. Another means in the coercion through the state
apparatus. The law must be applied to the extreme in order to make the
existence of Albanians intolerable: fines, imprisonment, brutal methods of
police laws. As for the economical aspect: pitiless taxes, immediate
payments of taxes, lands confiscation, job permits withdrawal, dismissal
from state, municipal and private offices. As for religion, the Albanians e
ar very sensitive and therefore they must be molested also in this field,
ill-treating their clergy and destroying their cemeteries."
Despite what happened last year in Kosova not the slightest criticism has
been made against this to be deprecated wording.
In Serbia and in the world there is neither a Serbian politician, writer or
journalist willing to reject the racial theories of the Academic of
Belgrado, which have caused so much damage not only to the
Kosovari-Albanians but also to the Serbian population itself.
Further on, the philosopher writes:" We have to distribute weapons to our
colonists. The old forms of ethnic actions have to be organised and secretly
supported. A large scale conflict has to prepared with all the means by
people we trust. Finally, local riots may be fomented. This will be
repressed with a bloodshed, with the most efficient means, better if by the
colonists and by ethnics, then by the army.Another means that Serbia has
used with great practical effect after 1878, is to set fire to Albanian
villages and the urban quarters where they live.The deportation must begin
with the village and then with the cities. Being more compact, villages are
more dangerous. We have also to avoid the mistake to deporting only the poor
people. Middle and upper classes form the spine of every nation, for this
reason they have to be deported and expelled.the world public opinion will
be a bit angry, but in a period when Germany can expel ten thousands Hebrew
people and Russia can deport millions of people from one side of the
continent to another, the deportation of a few hundred thousands Albanians
will not break the world war."
The current opposition to Milosevic's regime does not hint to put in act a
revision of its own past, fundamental conditions for a peaceful living
together between different people.
On that account I invite all democrats to reflect upon the question of
Kosova for the debate about this key element in order to mitigate the
conflicts in the Balkans.
Best Wishes,
Giovanni Trupo
Turin. Italy www.bicc.de/coop/fiv/suedost/cubrilovic.html