Re: Language - Area - Routes

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 5957
Date: 2001-02-07

Here's another thing "Dan Hemming" came up with:

from the poem "Rigsthula" (at the end):

Dan and Danp
have dear halls

Dan is the legendary first king of the Danes, presumably Danp
is another king.

Snorri, using as source the now lost part of the Rigsthula, which
he knew:

"Dygve's mother was king, daughter of king Danp, who was son of
that king Rig, who was first called king in the Danish tongue. Queen
Drot was sister of king Dan Superbus, from whom Denmark has its name"

Hemming then presumes a connection with the rivers Don and Dniepr.
(eg. "Attila" means "River Volga", and he was born there)
