Re: Ground squirrels suck

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 5694
Date: 2001-01-22

--- In, "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...> wrote:
Polish sus might be a by-form of szus, but Russian evidence cited by
Sergei makes it likely that there is a purely Slavic root s^us-/sus-
< *k^euk^-/*k^ouk^-, accidentally confusible with szus < German
Schuss. This is why we are exploring a (hopefully) new etymological

I should warn you, though, that along with Russ. SHu'stat' there's
also SHa'stat', not a by-form, but the semantic fiels of both words
overlap to some extent; SHu'stat' is registered in dialects only,
while SHa'stat' was adopted by Standard Russian. There is a
possibility that SHu'stat'<SHa'stat' (both verbs being expressive).
SHu'stryj, on the other hand, safely stands alone and have come into
Standard Russian, but there's another problem: it was registered in
the beginning of the XIX c. and it's history is obscure.
