Re: [tied] Qualitative ablaut - case as closed as a black hole is b

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 4935
Date: 2000-12-04

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000 23:07:57 , "Glen Gordon"
<glengordon01@...> wrote:

>>These are the "vrddhi-collectives" I was discussing
>>with Piotr. The pl. of <na:ma> in Vedic is actually <na:ma:ni>,
>><na:ma:> or <na:ma>.

And of course the form <na:ma:>, silly me, is exactly equivalent to
Lat. nomina but for the syllabification: *-mn-h2 > *-mn.: > *-ma:

>The Mid IE genitive ending is *-se and its
>suffixation automatically causes the change in accent since the location of
>the second-to-final syllable is now changed.

Come to think of it, that's an old idea I had completely forgotten
about. The genitive ending *had* a vowel following it, except that
it's **-(a)si. Three reasons:

1) The Etruscan s-genitive can confidently be reconstructed as *-si.
To quote Beekes & v.d. Meer:
"An _ablative_ was formed by adding the gen. -s to the genitive. With
the l-gen. this gave -l-s, archaic -la-s (the gen. -l is thus probably
derived from *-la). This is the so-called double genitive. With the
gen. in -s, probably derived from *-si, this gave *-si-s; syncope gave
-s with ablaut, e.g. -uis; -ais became -es.
Another form, which Rix calls pertinentive, but most _dative_, was
formed by adding the locative ending -i to the genitive; therefore
-s-i, but -la-i > -le.
The last two forms (ablative and dative) are easily understood if the
genitives in -s and -l were originally adjectives [...]" (translation

2) The Luwian "pseudo-genitive" in -assi-. Friedrich: "Der Gen.
Sing. wird im Luwischen nur vereinzelt wie im Hethitischen gebildet:
hiratuas EN-as "der Herr des Eides". Meist vielmehr wird er durch
eine Adjektivbildung auf -(a)ssi- [...] umschrieben: haramahassi- "zum
Kopfe (harmahi-) gehoerig" = "des Kopfes", malhassassi- "zum Opfer
(malhassi-) gehoerig" = "des Opfers", massanassi- "zum Gotte
(massana-) gehoerig" = "des Gottes". [1] Das Pala:ische bildet den
Gen.Sing. auf -as wie das Hethitische. [2] Der bildhethitische
Gen.Sing. bedarf noch der Untersuchung [it appears to be adjectival
-(a)sis or gen. -as, as in Cuneiform Luwian] [3] Lykisch B hat
entsprechend ein Genetiv-Adjektiv auf -(a)si-, Lykisch A ein
lautgesetzlich daraus entwickeltes -(a)hi-: A. mahanahi- "zum Gotte
(mahana-) gehoerig, des Gottes", Akk. urtaqijahñ cbatru "die dem
Urtaqija gehoerige Tochter, die Tochter des Urtaqija", B. Ijãnisñ "den
zu den Ioniern gehoerigen, den der Ionier". -- Das Lydische ersetzt
ebenfalls den Genetiv durch eine Adjektivbildung, aber mit einem
anderen Element -li-: Maneli- "dem Mane gehoerig, des Mane".

3) The PIE thematic/pronominal Gen. in *-osyo. In view of the normal
G. in *-os (*-es, *-s), this is usually segmented as *-os + *-yo.
However, given the preceding, one might also think of a segmentation:
*-osi + *-o. Then *-osi would correspond exactly to Luw. -assi- (and,
if one is so inclined, to Etruscan *-si).
Remains only the question of what one should make of final *-o. I
would suggest it's the same *-o (< **-a:) that we see in the
nominative of the demonstrative pronoun (the thematic Gen. ending is
pronominal after all): masc. *so, n. *to-d [which I derive from ERG.
**tu + **-a: > *twa: > *so and ABS. **ta + -**a: > *ta: > *to-.
Therefore, **ta-asi + **-a: > **ta:si + -**a: > *tosyo].

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal