Re: [tied] Qualitative ablaut - case as closed as a black hole is b

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 4932
Date: 2000-12-04

On Sun, 03 Dec 2000 23:07:57 , "Glen Gordon"
<glengordon01@...> wrote:

>Anyways, I am paying attention - Not sure if you are. please follow this
>line of reasoning: If *nomn is pluralized via vrddhi, there is no need in
>adding *-x (ie: Sanskrit /-i/) to it, is there? That would be redundant
>double pluralisation!

It *would* not be, it *is*.

>Now, even if there are two seperate plural forms in IE for *nómn (*nomn-x
>and *nemo:n ?), surely you must accept that the vrddhi-collective, whose
>reasons for the irregular vowel alternations are not immediately obvious in
>Late IE, is an _earlier_ form than the immediately understood process of
>suffixing *-x to the singular stem, yes?

I don't see why one of the two has to be earlier.

>>There were two ways of forming collectives in PIE, adding *-h2, or
>>lengthening of the suffix vowel. In Ved. <na:ma:> < *Hno(:)mo:n we
>>have lengthening, in Lat. nomina we have *-h2. In Skt. <na:ma:ni> <
>>*Hno(:)mo:onh2, we have both.
>Right, but what is/are the original IE form(s), Miguel? This is what I'm
>trying to get at with you. Obviously you now feel that Sanskrit /na:ma:ni/
>is not a secure proof at all for IE *nomn-x like you were pretending
>earlier! You're now admitting that Latin and Sanskrit do not derive from a
>_single_ IE form with attested *-x! Yet you want to sell Sanskrit /-i/ as
>direct proof of the existence of *-x after IE consonant when clearly some
>instances of /-i/ are later derivations, like in this example! Huh?? You're
>not making sense.

Perfect sense. Skt. -i in the collective derives from *-h2, whether
it's added to a vrddhied form (nama:n-i) or directly to the stem
(adant-i). If you think that the lengthening in the vrddhied forms
was caused by a *-x (*-h2) that disappeared, while it did not
disappear elsewhere (surfacing as -i in Skt. and -a elsewhere), then
it's up to you to prove your case. I'm listening.

>>>Miguel stated: You told me, but you failed thus far to give any >>examples
>>>or any precise rules; So what's your view on the >>poimé:n/dáimo:n thing?
>>>I've just given you a long list of precise >>rules, Miguel.
>>About precisely how unstressed *e gives *o? I don't think so.
>What exactly are you confused about still? You aren't expressing your doubts

Well, let me try again. I'm not going to wade through previous posts,
so I'll rely on memory. If I'm not mistaken, you started out by
saying that PIE *o was the result of Tonal-pPIE **e ([@]) when
unstressed (> *e when stressed). Then I objected that we also find *o
a lot in stressed position, even in monosyllables. Then you said that
*a too could give *o, which you had failed to mention earlier. So
then I asked you for *your* examples of *e -> *o due to lack of stress
(the canonical examples being <poimé:n> and <dáimo:n>, where we indeed
have stressed -mén- vs. unstressed -mon-, but that's "classical" *e,
not your schwa).

>>>I have provided some of these main preIE rules like "MidIE >>penultimate
>>So how does that explain protero-dynamic vs. hystero-dymanic vs.
>>static declensions?
>PD stems appear to all be anciently vowel-final (either *-i or *-u)

There are also PD -s, -n ~ -r/-n stems (mainly neuters). I suppose
your infix -e- takes of that. But what about -i-/-u- HD stems, then?

>The penultimate accent similarily explains the behaviour of HD stems just as
>well. One need only add the pre-existing final vowels to regularize the
>accent to penultimate.

Well, something along those lines would seem to be the answer. There
are of course a lot of details to be filled in. For instance,
Rasmussen has proposed that the static inflections can be explained by
an initial long vowel (HD **CV:CV'R(V)-, **CV:CVRV's(V)), which
attracted the accent after the working of zero grade and the
shortening of unstressed long vowels (**CéCR, **CéCRs).

>>*g^ was most certainly not caused by *e. I, and many others with me,
>>consider it to be a separate PIE phoneme.
>Who exactly?

To name a few, Brugmann, Beekes (with reservations), Gamqrelidze and
Ivanov, Pedersen, Rasmussen, Illich-Svitych, Watkins.

An interesting argument from G & I: as is known, PIE does not allow
roots of the shape TET, DHEDH, PEP, BHEBH etc. But we do find such
roots as *kek^ (weasel) and *k^ekw (shit). Calvert Watkins (in Ramat
& Ramat) mentions the Luwian evidence I thought I didn't have:
"Compare Luv. za-/zi- "this" < *k^o-/*k^i- (Lith. s^ìs, Arm. -s),
zi:yar(i) "lies" < *k^ej-or- (Ved. s'áye < *k^ej-oj-); kis^a(i)-
"comb" < *kes- (OCS c^eso~), kars^- "cut" (Gk. a-kerse-kóme:s "with
unshorn locks"); kui- "who" < *kwi- (Lat. quis), -kuwa < *-kwe (Lat.
-que). See Melchert (1987)." [i.e. *k -> k, *k^ -> z, *kw -> kw].

>Your buddies at the bar? Patrick Ryan, perhaps? Bomhard is a
>fairly level-headed Nostraticist and his opinion bluntly contradicts yours.
>He states on page 54 of "Indo-European and the Nostratic Hypothesis" that
>"Also during this stage of development [a late Phonemic Pitch Stage of IE] -
>or perhaps even earlier - the velars developed palatalized allophones before
>front vowels and *y."
>This is a surprisingly uncontraversial, majority view for a Nostraticist,
>Miguel, are you aware of Sanskrit evidence of *e/*o ablaut via the presence
>or absence of velar satemisation??

I think you're seriously confused. The law of the palatals (if that's
what you mean) has nothing to do with the question at hand.

>>>3) There is no order to the development of **a:
>>>which is free to become either a short OR
>>>long vowel without solid explanation.
>>I have given the explanation: stress.
>>What I have claimed is that in certain circumstances (e.g. after *y-
>>as in *ye:kwrt, *maybe*, as in the case of re:g^, before *g^), **a:
>>develops into *e: instead of *o.
>Stress makes long vowels SHORT??!

*Lack* of stress. **wa:dn -> **wodr, *wa:dná:s -> *wednós. For the
first couple of centuries, read the *o as in Sanskrit, always long.

Then all *o's (there being no short *o) became phonologically short.
In Indo-Iranian, in open vowels, they remained phonetically long long
enough to merge with the new laryngeal and vrddhi long vowels. That's
Brugmann's law explained.

>>That in any case. E.g. Slavic c^asU < *ke:s-.
>You forgot the palatal diacritic. I'm sure you mean *k^e:s-.

Tsk, tsk.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal