Re: [tied] First iron swords on mass scale

From: Michal Milewski
Message: 4299
Date: 2000-10-13

Glenn McDavid wrote:

> There have been some recent archeological studies relevant to this issue.
> Robert Drews, in _The End of the Bronze Age_, pp. 75-76, gives some
> information (and references) about the physical evidence for the spread
> of iron. In particular there was a study of weapons finds throughout
> the near east.
> 12th century BC 96+ % Bronze 3+ % Iron
> 11th century BC 80 % Bronze 20 % Iron
> 10th century BC 46 % Bronze 54 % Iron
> He also cites a study indicating that iron weapons were not common in
> 12th century BC Greece.

Thanks, this helpd a lot.

> The implication seems to be that while there was some early knowledge of
> iron working, its extensive use for military purposes came about well
> after the fall of the Hittite Empire and the Mycenaean palaces.

So it looks like Hettites did not arm whole armies with iron swords. Maybe
before the invasion of Sea Peoples, they just didn't have any problems with
bronze (access to tin), so iron was not needed? Are there any written records
about Egyptians (or any other nation) fighting Hettite soldiers armed with
iron weapons?

Does the book, cited in your post, mention where the earliest large amounts
of iron weapons were discovered? And who could be the owner?
