From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Message: 3960
Date: 2000-09-21

1- I think the war traits of Athena have something to do with Ugaritic and
Hittie influences. But it seems clear to me that this figure of a Great War
Goddess have traits in Athena, Artemis and Aphrodite. There's also the
figure of Cat-Goddess, found since India (Durga), Egypt (Sakhmet), Greece
(Artemis, Rhea), Anatolia (Kybele, Shaushka) and perhaps even Scandinavia
2- About epithet PALLAS, -ADOS:
Any link between Pallas, ados and Pallas, -antos (Titan and Giant) ?
Palle:ne: in Thracia?
Pallad- < *Palwad-? *Palsad-? Palyad-? Palnad-? Paldad-?
Any "Bernalian" etymology?
Pallas came from Proto-Greek? Egyptian? Semitic? Sumerian? Anatolian?
Does Stems in -ad seem to be a secondary suffixation of a a-stem?

Joao SL
----- Original Message -----
From: John Croft <jdcroft@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 8:42 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Religion

> João wrote:
> > OK, but Zeus was helped by Metis. And if Metis and Athena were the
> same
> > goddess splitted into two? Maybe we had originally a couple Zeus
> and a
> > goddess (let's call her Metis-Athena). The trait of Athena's birth
> from
> > Zeus's head may be linked with the birth of many deities from
> Kumarbish (cf.
> > Dionysos from Zeus's thigh, Aphrodite from Ouranos's semen).
> The birth of deities from a man obviously brings to mind the birth of
> Eve from Adam's rib. Eve, Hebrew He Vau He, is supposed to mean
> the "mother of all living". It seems that she was linked to the
> early minor Syrian Goddess by the same name.
> Ironically, in the story of Enki and Ninhursag, found at Nippur and
> dated to well before 2,000 BCE, there is mention in Sumerian of
> the "Mother of All Living" - Ninti, this time born in the normal
> fashion after Enki and her mother make love. Surprisingly "Ninti"
> happens to be a Sumerian pun - her name also means "Lady Rib".
> This pun is not found in Akkadian, nor is it found in Hebrew. There
> is little doubt therefore that the story of Eve was originally from a
> Sumerian source, where the pun made sense. But Sumerian at the time
> of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews was a literary language only.
> (Need I say, once again to Glen, another Sumerian source).
> Back to Metis, I have heard that Metis as a helper to Zeus (or
> perhaps as a woman ingested by Zeus) is a comparatively late addition
> (Was it Kerenyi who made this speculation, or was it Graves, I cannot
> remember which, or indeed if it was another (Greuber perhaps)) to the
> story of Athena bursting forth from Zeus's head, fully armed. But
> then again, the arming of Athena itself seems to be post Mycenaean.
> The Great Mycenaean Goddess Athanai Potnia, was not, like Pallas
> Athene, a Goddess of War. Could this be an atribute that came in
> Post Mycenaean times from a Cyprian or Ugaritic source?
> Does anyone know the origin of the epithet Pallas? Is this related
> to Plst (Peleset, the Egyptian for Philistine - i.e. worshippers of a
> Goddess, transliterated into Semitic as Pallasat?) Or is it related
> to Pelasgian (about which we have had much discussion on the list)?
> Hope this helps.
> Regards
> John