Re: [tied] Danaan as ethnonym.

From: Mark Odegard
Message: 3370
Date: 2000-08-23

I am rather ignorant about all things Indo-Iranian, and only slightly less informed about all things Celtic.
In his review of Sakellariou's work, Katona says this:
--start quotes--
Vedic and Danaan mythologies have developed in opposite directions: in the former we find elements impeding benefits of waters, which is not the case of the second. He then corrects and opinion of a passage of the Zend-Avesta: It is not the Danu who were defeated by the protector genii of the Iranians but the Iranian warriors implore the genii to help them against the Danu. These Avestic Danu, together with the Danaans, and The Dynnym of Adana in Kilikia appear to represent three related branches of an Indo-European population, and at the same time the Danu are proven also to have been a historic people. [p. 81]
The Proto-Greeks outside Greece are represented by a, the Avestan Danavo- (they could have detached at an early date from the main body), b, the Danaans. The latter can be traced from Troad to Kilikia in numerous regions of Asia minor with a few 'Danaan facts" in Armenia as well as elsewhere. They do could have detached from the main body or have passed the Caucasus. [p. 85]
--end quotes--
So. Danaan is indeed an ancient IE ethnonym, one that stands at the head of Greek as a self-applied term for those people who first spoke Greek, as well as a term for 'other folk' used in Indo-Iranian, and what seems certainly also for the heroic race of the Tuatha De Danaan. But I could be wrong. This is just speculation here. It's almost as if we have the self-applied ethnonym for 'Western IE folk'.
----- Original Message -----
From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Danaan as ethnonym.

And the Indian Danava?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 5:11 PM
Subject: [tied] Danaan as ethnonym.

Following up my earlier post, the Tuatha De Danaan do come to mind here. The teuto-word, plus some reflex of the da-/dan- root. I've not studied Celtic mythology much, but the Tuatha De Danaan seem to have been mythical from the start, stories from earlier times on the continent, preserved and retold in Ireland, with the places shifted largely to Ireland.
Is it fair to say 'Danaan' should be seen as a fundamental IE ethnonym, at the level of say 'Aryan', words ancient IE peoples used to describe themselves?