The Etruscan Not-So-News

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 1831
Date: 2000-03-10

>The link below carries an 8 march report of new Etruscan >decipherment:
>the words deciphered there is a series of numbers: sar (10), sa (4), >and
>zal (2). Other important new words are: span (lowland), vinac (vineyard),
>celtinei (land), and "eth," which recurs in Etruscan >simply means "and in
>this way."

Hmm, hasn't /zal/ been known to be "two" for years now? As for /s'a/ being
"four", I'm still skeptical. Although /eth/ could have
parallels with IE, it could also be a Latin loan, sigh. Reading...
(blah, blah, blah) Zilath Mechl Rasnal (unhuh, "magistrate of the Etruscan
people"... nothing new so far... yada yada.... zal, s'a, s'ar... that's

Gee that was a disappointingly vague and outdated article. That's why I hate
reading or watching the news. It's just stories rehashed from yesteryear and
given a new political spin. Sigh. Someone, anyone, beam me off this planet.

- gLeN

- gLeN
