Re: Odp: Uralic and IE loans. Did Uralic even coexist with (Pre-)IE?

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 1489
Date: 2000-02-14

> I voted for coincidence, genetic relationship AND IE(IIr)-U >areal
>contacts as the three most important factors accounting for >the observed
>similarity among them. There is no logical >contradiction here and no need
>for you to be confused. I just wanted >to emphasise that IE/U connections
>are a rather complex affair. If, >say, FU has more loanwords from IE than
>genuine reflexes of >inherited proto-Indo-Uralic lexemes, that doesn't mean
>that the >borrowing hypothesis is in any way superior to the IU hypothesis.
> >The two are independent explanations. English has more >French/Latinate
>loanwords than directly inherited IE ones, and yet >its relation to Romance
>is genetic as well.

Then I was confused with the voting. I thought only one option was allowed.
You are right however about IE and Uralic. I guess we can all agree then
that there is a combination of these different scenarios, it's just a matter
of correctly ascertaining the origin for each word in IE or Uralic that
appears related.

- gLeN
